Monday, January 11, 2010

Muttley is on his way to his foster mom today.

My husbands favorite picture of Muttley! (what a great profile he has)

I wish this picture was more clear but it is Tommy holding Muttley dearly and Muttley just snuggling in.

Muttley loves toys, especially the squeeky kinds.

Muttley is on his way to his foster mom in Sheboygan today. I have really experienced the joys of an adult dog with Muttley this weekend. This was new for me as Cricket is young and all 3 foster dogs we have had have been young. It was such a pleasure to have such a quiet, lower energy dog around. Often, he would just watch us and seemed to be studying what was going on around him. He seemed to understand Tom, my 12 year old son, is just a kid yet trusted him as Tom gave him affection. This morning before Tom left for school, Muttley or as Tommy calls him "Motley Crue" buried his head into Tom's chest and then layed in his lap. Tom in turn said "can we keep this one?" I came close to giving in but he has an foster mom eager to meet him and we are waiting until the kids crazy basketball season is over to foster again. We have really enjoyed him and will miss him. Hope you find your forever family soon Muttley.