Sunday, June 27, 2010

The first 24 hours, personality notes:

Lisa, who had 5 of the puppies until they found their own foster homes, said when taking care of the pups, Springer was a follower. She was one of the last to eat as other more eager pups pushed her out of the way. She is not shy though, I would call it submissive. She is very friendly and loves all people and our dog Cricket. She is pretty mellow and calm for a 3 month old pup. She enjoys being held and you can easily flip her to her backside and rub her belly. (I've read, this is a great sign of a good pup) She also seems to be a good listener, if you call her, she will come. She is curious but still seems to want to be near you. When she is not with one of us, she is in the mud room behind the babygate. She is learning to occupy herself and play with toys when by herself. She loves to curl up on a doggie bed with her chin on the rim:)

I have not heard her bark, but she did whine some when we put her in the crate last night. She had been previously been sleeping with litter mates so I'm sure it was hard for her. She settled in with the crate right next to me and slept until the thunderstorm rumbled through. I took her out about 5am when the storm passed and the crate was dry. Tonight, we will crate her until 6am.

We are beginning getting her used to a leash and she is following much better. We also take her out frequently and she does her business right away. Only one accident so far.

She is an awesome puppy!!