Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dumplings new favorite place, curled up next to my husband.

I had to work late yesterday and didn't get home until 9:30pm. I only work part time so Dumpling really hasn't had to stay home alone much this week. I knew the kids and my husband would have her outside to do her business but she would probably be spending the evening in the laundry room behind the baby gate. Not to worry, I walked in the door and saw a little head pop up from the couch next to my husband. She came running over to greet me. (and then headed back to her spot) This morning my husband announced with a smile (as she was curled up next to him) he is teaching her how to relax, and that she is.

These rescue dogs have lived in so many environments. A home and who knows what kind of conditions it held for them, a shelter, two days of transport, and then a foster home. It can take them a couple of weeks for their personality to shine. Dumpling is playing with Cricket more and running and playing more when outside. We look forward to seeing more of her personality as she is with us waiting for her forever home.

To all Fluffy Dog Adopters: Lori has put together a letter called "A Note From Your New Dog" that she sends you when you are approved to adopt your pup. In it your pup says "Give me at least two weeks for us to get to know each other and for me to feel like I am truly at home. Let me stay home for the first two weeks I am here so that I do not have to meet new people and dogs, or deal with new places and activities. I know you want to share me with family and friends, but that will have to wait. I first need to feel relaxed and fully at home with you......"

Still to come HER STORY.