Monday, November 22, 2010

Dumplings story:

The information Fluffy Dog Rescue received about Dumpling was she was an owner surrender to a rural Alabama shelter. These shelters receive so many dogs and have few adoptions. Their best chance for a forever family is to come north. Lori has contacts at several of these shelters that will sending her info on the "fluffies" they get in asking her to take them into rescue. The paperwork I saw on Dumpling was she was surrendered the third week of October to the shelter. We do not have any information why she was surrendered. Like many of these pups, she doesn't look well cared for. She needs to put on a couple of pounds and care and nutrition should bring a luster to her fur. I did trim her up a bit but a groom might be nice for her also. She is not shy so I don't think she was mistreated. Her paperwork said her name was Snowy. We do not know if that was her name or if it was a name the shelter gave her. I did test it and really she responds to anything you call her so I just don't know.

Dumplings planned arrival date was Sunday, Nov. 14th. Prior to transport, all dogs must have a health certificate from a vet. They also receive a rabies and distemper/parvo combo vaccination. Dumpling had a spay a few days before transport. Dumpling was scheduled to go to a new foster moms house. Lori received word from drivers of the transport on Sunday that Dumpling was congested. Since Dumpling was ill, I told Lori I would take her and observe her for a few days. I live near the vet Fluffy Dog uses and near to Lori. Being a RN comes in handy too. Her coughing wasn't too bad, it seemed to be more sneezing and was triggered by going outside into the cool air. Sometimes she would make this weird noise almost sounding like wheezing. I contacted Lori about taking her to the vet. Well, I learned about something new to me, a reverse sneeze. I guess it is common in small dogs. Dr. K put her on antibiotics and told me it was probably triggered by post nasal drip. She told me to discourage the reverse sneezing by getting her to swallow with a treat. Well, this has worked. Her cough is rare and the congestion has cleared up. I think I have only heard the reverse sneeze once the last day or two. She is doing just great!!! Since she does have an application, I am keeping her here. It is soo stressful for them to move and she should be going to her forever home soon.