Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We headed to Chicago for dinner today. Poor Cricket had to stay home, she gets car sick. A friendly neighbor let her out a couple of times for us (thank you). Dumpling came with and road wonderfully in a crate in the car. We did not hear a peep out of her. She was the hit of the party visiting everyones lap. Everyone was amazed that she did not let out a single bark. She met a cat and stared at it as to say, come play with me, but the cat took off not to be seen. She met at 1 1/2 yr old girl who kept wanting to touch her nose. Funny, Dumpling seemed to know this little human was different and kept following her around in the beginning. She even tried a couple of bites of turkey. I would have given her more but my sister in law announced, "did you know turkey gives dogs diarrhea." I did not hear her sneeze or cough once today. All and all a nice day for all. I hear a home visit is taking place for her tomorrow so she may be going to her forever home soon.