Monday, December 27, 2010

My recommendation. (updated 1/3)

Dear Alley has been here now 5 days. I am no dog expert, just someone who enjoys working with rescue dogs. I did email Lori who runs the rescue yesterday and mentioned I think Alley would do best with someone who is not gone everyday all day. She just always wants to be near someone. Now, this may change and when she goes to her permanent foster home next week and settles in, her new foster mom will evalutate her. Right now she seems to always want human companionship. I think she just needs to gain some confidance. Just think this poor girl was dropped off at a shelter where she stayed a week, spent two days in a car traveling to Wisconsin, spent a couple days at a doggie daycare and now has been with us for 5 days. Her world has been rocked. I have been just having her with us as much as possible. When we can not, she is in the laundry room where she will whimper and bark a bit but nothing destructive. She still sleeps in a crate in our room and does well. We are working on housetraining, going out frequently. I don't even put her on the leash now to go outside. We go out the garage, I stand in the driveway and she will immediatly do her business returning when done. She does need to be taken out every 2-3 hours currently to prevent accidents. She has had several episodes of submissive urine dribbling primarily when we greet her to take her out of the laundry room or crate. Most puppies outgrow this and as she gains confidance this will also help. Alley continues to be a very friendly pup to everyone she meets. She loves fetching toys. I will try to catch a video of this later and post.