Thursday, August 5, 2010


A few more notes: Duncan enjoys bones and bully sticks but is not a chewer. He has not touched shoes or anything else other than the toys he has been given. He loves belly rubs and will lick your arm as to say thank you:) He even gives Cricket a few little licks on her face, can't say she enjoys it though. Every now and then he will give a soft whine when I have him in the laundry room, never barks. He just wants to be with you and when he is with us, he is not pesty, he keeps himself occupied. I was hoping to introduce him to a cat tonight but Lori must not have found her cat. I'm confident he would not be mean to a cat. He might want to play though so a cat might need a place to escape where Duncan can not go or maybe he will just have to have a cat teach him the hard way.

What a great profile he has and his fur is soooo soft!