Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sophia's 1st week.
Sophia continues to be such a precious little girl. She is not a barker and very loving and attentive. She follows me around the kitchen/family room and either jumps into my lap or flops down several feet away from me when I am busy. I don't have to leash her in the back yard as when I call her she comes running back to me. She has charmed every visitor that has met her. We went by Lisa's doggie daycare and she had fun playing with four other pups in the doggie play area. I think she is feeling more confident as when a couple of the dogs weren't very nice, she let them know she did not appreciate their trying to hump her or nip at her neck. I take her and Cricket on a daily walk together and she is becoming a great little walker. She still isn't a great eater so a put a couple tablespoons of soft on the kibble to encourage her. (I always seem to have a problem getting little dogs to eat:(. I keep the door to the crate open in the laundry room and she prefers to sleep in the laundry room and not the crate. She is quiet all night and has not had any accidents in the house this week. I do let her out every three hours. Cricket for some reason still is avoiding her so I am not pushing that. She isn't pesty to Cricket but does like to lay down near her and Cricket usually then gets up and moves. I've heard dogs just need to work it out themselves but I don't think she will be with us long so I am not pushing it. All in all other than Cricket not being friendly, a good week.