Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 4 Notes:

Thought I would give a summary of this little girl.

She is very smart. My husband and I think she is the smartest dog that has been at our home. I would describe her energy level as medium. She seems to have a burst of energy first thing in the morning and again in the evening. Other than that she occupies her self resting, playing with toys or following you around. She loves toys. She will play fetch and bring the toy back to you to throw. She loves toys with squeakers and will play with them all by her self. Also loves to pull fuzz out of stuffed animals. She had not bothered anything in my home. The only items she has chewed on is dog toys.

She doesn't really like to be crated but will settle down after 5-10 minutes. (she had spent many hours crated each day in the past). At night, we have been having her sleep in a gated laundry room that has a doggie bed. I heard at her former owners home she slept in a crate but the crate door was kept open. She would love to sleep with someone.

I believe she was housebroken in her prior home. She has not had a urine accident in our home. I do set foster dogs up for success as they adjust to our home by taking them outside every few hours. She did have diarrhea on Tues. and had an stool accident. This is common with new dogs from the stress of rehoming and change of diet. It is resolving.

Molly is doing wonderful walking on a leash. We took a walk around the neighborhood yesterday and I didn't realize I hadn't put the harness on her until we were almost home.

Molly is very alert and will sometimes give a bark or two if she hears a strange sound. She will usually stop at that so I do not consider her a yappy dog.

Molly loves my 14 yr old boy. She also met the young neighbor boys and was friendly. As a young dog, she can get a bit mouthy so we just stop play and she stops.

I do not have a fenced in yard. I take Molly outside with a 20 ft leash and just let her drag it around. I always do this with foster dogs in case they leave the yard and I need to grab it. She always stays near and has not attempted to run off.

If I think of more, I will add here.........