Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good and bad news.

The good news is Prissy is doing great here. She is an easy dog to have around. Very attentive, lovable and all round awesome dog.

The bad news is we just found out she has an inguinal hernia. All dogs need a Certified Health Certificate that is less than 4 weeks old prior to being adopted. I took her to HAWS for a vet visit today and they found the hernia. It is small but they do recommend surgery. She will have her surgery this coming Monday. I don't know how long Lori will want me to keep her here after her surgery. She does release dogs that have had spay/neuter surgery after a couple of days. Maybe the following weekend, Prissy can be adopted. The only post-op protocol after hernia surgery should be no running or jumping. I will find out Monday how long this activity restriction is for but I would think around 10 days. (I'm not a vet tech, but am a RN-lol)