Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Notes from the first 24 hours.

Prissy did great on ride to my home yesterday afternoon. I had her in a crate and did not hear one noise out of her.

Prissy greeted Cricket very nicely yesterday. They played a bit together with toys last night.

She spent most of yesterday evening playing with toys. She loves them. Beware, she will tear all the stuffing out so either have a needle and thread handy or buy rubber or unstuffed toys. (she likes these too.) She loves chewing on the toys. She has not attempted to chew on anything in the home. If you throw a toy she will fetch it and bring it back to you. If you grab it she wants to play tug of war. I'm not a fan of tug of war so I just waited until she dropped it and threw it again for her to retrieve.

Later in the evening we watched TV on the couch, Cricket on one side of me and Prissy on the other. She does jump up on the couch at my home.

I put her in a crate for nightime and she did bark 5-6 times and then was quiet for the night. No accidents in her crate.

Today, we went for a walk around the neighborhood. She does pull so I used the Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness from Premier. A leash attaches at the chest and she walked wonderfully with this harness. They are about $25.00 at Petco but well worth it. She wears size small. We walked by a garbage truck, dogs, people and she looks but that is it.

I did some yard clean up this afternoon and had her on a 30ft leash. (I don't have a fenced in yard) She explored but would come when I called.

I put her in a gated laundry room while I rested my back. She barked on and off. Interesting, I took her out to potty and put her in the crate and after the 5-6 barks, she was quiet for two hours while I rested.

I don't have much to report on potty training yet. She really hasn't had an opportunity to go in the house. When I get a new foster, I take them out every couple of hours to set them up for success. Every time I take her out, she goes.

The only barks she has done is in the gated laundry room or crate. She does not bark at people.

She eagerly greeted my 14 yr old son and was ready to play with him.

Prissy loves attention and to be pet. She loves belly rubs too. For the most part she is either playing with toys or following me around the kitchen.