Monday, October 17, 2011

More on Peek.

Peek has been with me for 6 days now. She has the most wonderful temperament. Her big brown eyes just melt you, so cute. She makes me smile all the time. She is a very easy dog to have around. She loves attention but is not demanding of it. She is a patient dog, waiting nicely for her food, treats or the have a leash attached. She loves to curl up in a doggie bed or on your lap. She is not high energy, yappy, or jumpy. She is not a chewer. She hasn't played with any toys yet but was playing with her bully stick yesterday. Since she has been on limited activity with her surgery, we haven't gone on any walks but will at the end of the week. I do take her out on a leash for potty and she is fine. She's not sure about the Wisconsin cold weather we now have so I've been using a little sweater for her. She has not had a potty accident. All in all, she is a wonderful little dog. I rarely say this about the dogs I have here but she would be a wonderful pet for someone who works or lives in an apartment/condo. She just doesn't demand much at all from you but gives so much in return.

If you are interested in her, I would think she would be available to be adopted in a week as her activity restriction would be done and her incision is healing very well.