Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Peek has a silly side.

I'm so happy to say we have seen some of Peek's silly side. She was playing outside with my husband a couple of days ago and was so funny wrapping her paws around his leg. Yesterday, I got out a toy on a string and she would pounce on it. I found when I toss a toy she will run after it and sniff it and then she looks at me. Well, it's a start.

She does enjoy playing with her bully stick as she chews on it and today played with a marrow bone for about 30 minutes. Her favorite is still curling up on the doggie bed. Forever family, she just loves a little donut shaped bed.

We are beginning to go for short walks. She stays right by me and never pulls. Sometimes she does stop and I need to encourage her to walk. We have walked by people and dogs and she looks but that is it. She doesn't really like a car driving by but no major reaction to it.

I am taking her by a professional groomer tomorrow to have her face trimmed a bit and will post new pictures after.