Friday, March 12, 2010

What was I thinking?

Well, I had to work late at the hospital yesterday and felt too tired to take a long walk with the dogs today. Maybe this would be the perfect day to try out my "instant" dog park plan. I usually go to Nashotah dog park but Cricket is in the large dog area and Brent the small dog area. It doesn't seem quite fair to make the drive and only take one dog. We have fenced in baseball diamonds at the back of my subdivision and I had the idea to put temporary blockades at the openings and let the dogs run. My friend Kathy and I tried the plan once using a roll of black landscape fabric but the wind kept blowing it and it kept tearing. (I'll spare you the crazy details of that adventure but suffice it to say I also lost my car keys in the snow that day) Still determined to come up with a plan, I stopped at Home Depot this week and found PVC mesh fencing. Well, today, I headed down to the park area, cut the pieces and used bungee cords to attach them. Worked pretty well but there was another problem today, mud. I thought the dogs would stay with me in the outfield, wrong, they chased and chased each other through the infield too. I've never seen little Brent run so fast. Thank goodness I didn't have to drive far because I squeezed both of their muddy bodies in the dog crate for the ride home. Now, tired me has two dogs to bathe. I sure hope they are tired, too.