Monday, March 15, 2010

??Maybe Brent's a Yorkie/Retriever Mix??

.. .................... Brent loves, loves chasing after tossed balls. (Too bad he always has to drag the training leash behind him) I have to admit, I haven't put too much time into teaching him recall so I'm not taking any chances, the training leash helps for a quick grab when needed. He does like to wander away but it is to check out things that interest him not to get away from me. Cricket on the other hand has perfected the art of staying out of my hand reach when she knows I'm trying to catch her. Well, back to ball chasing, Brent chases his little heart out after those balls. The smaller ones do work better for him as a tennis ball is a bit of a stretch for his mouth. He either brings them back by me and plops down to take pride in his treasure (not giving it back) or heads just to the other side of the electric fence. (somehow he has found Cricket does not steal the ball from him if he lays at the back of our yard. Ball chasing -- one of the best ways to to tire out a pup!!