Saturday, May 22, 2010

Adorable, Attentive, Affectionate, Addie.

Addie is the little princess around here. She is so sweet and gentle. She has been with us just over 24 hours and is still a bit unsure but very friendly. She is people focused. She will play nicely with Cricket but keeps looking to you for reassurance and if you make any sound she comes running back to you. She is quite submissive and obedient. Although she doesn't really know how to walk with a leash (needs to stay away from my legs) she never pulls. She has been very quiet in our home. I have tried to encourage her to play with toys but the noisy ones scare her and she ignores the rest. All the little girls in our neighborhood who have met her just adore her. Forever family, I guess what I'm trying to describe is that she is NOT a rough and tumble puppy. So far my impression is she is delicate, submissive, gentle, nicely mannered, and a bit reserved.