Sunday, May 23, 2010

Questions answered --- well sort of.

WHAT BREED IS SHE? We have no idea. Some might say she has some Wheaton in her due to her size and blond soft coat. (she is about 14" to the shoulder) Others would say poodle is making her coat soft and fluffy. It doesn't seem to have many curls though. Her beard is not dark like many Wheaton's. Under all that fur she is quite thin, she does need to gain some weight. When wet, her muzzle is small and thin. Her first foster mom thought she had some Sheltie in her. This was because when with her pack of dogs, Addie displayed some herding traits. The last thought is some type of terrier. When she hold her ears up she looks like she has some Westie. I've been liking the Sheltie/Poodle idea lately. Tee hee, changed my mind, now I like the Westie/Poodle thought. Wait, maybe it's all three.

(Forever family if your dying to know, try out the DNA test kit Fluffy Dog Wellness sells. It is a mouth swab you send in and I think it is about $55. We tested our dog who we thought was a small spaniel/retriever mix. No retriever at all in her, she was cocker, springer and a dash of dachshund. It was just as fun to see what she was not as what she was. Lori has pictures of some of the dogs that have been tested with their results on her site, I think under BLOG)

DOES SHE SHED? Yes, but nothing like my dog is doing right now. I took a lint roller to her bedding this morning. It had some fuzzies on it but not lots of loose hair. I did comb out about four brush fulls of hair the first night she was here. The area she spends a lot of her time also has has some fuzzies but not lots of loose hair. Keep in mind she probably still has puppy coat right now and we don't know what her adult coat will do.

She could use a spa day at a groomer. Her spaying was last Tuesday so I can not soak her yet. I have used pet bath wipes and no rinse shampoo for now. We have had to trim matting of her hind area and scattered through her coat. It's not too bad but a grooming/trim would be nice for her.