Monday, May 24, 2010

A few more notes about Addie.

Picky eater. (I may have contributed to this giving her lots of "good" stuff since she is thin) Anyways, picky with kibble but will gobble up canned and "doggie" raw food. She is so so with doggy biscuits but loves the dehydrated chicken liver I give her. I always have a plastic bag with some when we go outside and if she wanders off all I have to do is say Addie and shake the bag and back she comes. I am feeding her three times a day since she is a puppy and needs to gain weight.

Sleeps all night in the crate without a sound. Crate is dry in the morning. I keep her gated in our laundry room when she is not with me. She just lays on the pillow and doesn't make a sound. I've only heard her play with the toys a couple of times. She loves to lick canned food out of a kong. She has not had an accident in the laundry room, I do take her out at least every three hours.

She loves affection, just loves to be rubbed.

I just don't know how anyone would not have kept this sweet pup. I don't have any info as to why she ended up at the southern Illinois shelter. She is a dear.