Saturday, July 31, 2010

Duncan is on his way.

We will be getting a new foster dog tomorrow, Duncan. I just checked the transport log and as I write he should be about an hour from Nashville now. Two families in the Indy area have graciously volunteered to overnight pups and his journey will continue Sunday arriving in Delafield tomorrow around 2:30pm. Check out the link at the bottom of this page to see the transport process for these pups.

The information we have on him is he a grey fluffy that is very nice. The shelter says he is silly, wiggly, and sweet. He is great with other dogs and everyones friend. The shelter staff really like him and are so happy a rescue is taking him. He has the built of a Wheaten with the coat coloring of a Schnauzer or Beardie. He was very matted (even his head) and has been shaved. I will post some new pictures tomorrow night but I hear he looks very different.

Duncan weighs about 30lbs and is estimated to be around one year old. I hear he has an application already so may not be with us long.

We don't have any information on why he ended up at the shelter. In many rural areas of the South, dogs are just not well cared for, they are considered disposable. When people move or tired of them, they drop them off. If they wander away from home, they are not searched for. Added to this is the huge problem of not spaying/neutering. Shelters are always happy when we take dogs as in our area, dogs are part of our families.

I hope to blog on Duncan's journey to his forever home a couple times a week until he is adopted. Stay tuned................