Monday, August 2, 2010

To pee or not to pee????

This dog does not pee. Let me clarify. We have a ritual around here, Cricket and all of our foster dogs are walked around the neighborhood circle every morning. It is about a 20 minute walk and many neighborhood dogs are walked on this route. There are favorite stops for dogs ie. the stop sign on the corner, the mailbox by the empty lot. These areas, in particular, smell really "good" and all the dogs (including mine) seem to leave a little scent behind over the last one. Duncan gives these areas a quick smell and then keeps on walking. (I think I wrote this after being frustrated that I needed him to go so I could leave for work)
A few more "getting to know him" notes: Duncan was quiet all night in the laundry room. I feel kind of bad that the doggie bed is small for him. He can curl up in it but can't stretch out. He had his head hanging off so I gave him a little pillow for it and I think he laid there all night. I heard him drinking some water at 6am so got up and took him out. No accidents during the night in fact no accidents at all in the house. (we have not given him free rein, he is tethered to us until we get to know him better) I had to work today so the kids kept an eye on him so I haven't spent too much time with him today but did get a walk in tonight. Sometimes when walking he holds his head up high and has a little prance to his step-- sooo cute. I stopped by a friends house and she said the same as Lori, he looks like a Dandie Dinomont Terrier. My son said he did a little whining once today so he took him out in the yard and played with him and he was fine the rest of the day. He still loves to run in the yard chasing Cricket and she is just loving it. He does jump up a bit to greet you but gets down when you say "off". He tries to please so with a little more correction, I think this can be resolved. I have off work tomorrow and hope to get some more pictures of him to post, until then.......