Monday, September 13, 2010

Deena's a great little walker!

I've been taking Deena and Cricket on a 20-30 minute walk every day and this little girl does soooo well. I use the Gentle Leader Harness by Premier on both dogs. These harnesses are amazing! The leash is attached at the chest area and it really reminds the pup not to pull. I don't think Deena would pull anyways but her neck is so small and Cricket is so much larger I guess I think it is just better to use with her. She stays right next to me and isn't bothered with any distractions. We have walked by a school bus, kids, mail truck, homes with barking dogs and cars. No problem.
She does need to be spayed. I don't know how soon after puppy weaning this is done but Fluffy Dog Rescue will let us know.