Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Deena's a little lover!

Deena has been with us almost a week now so I thought I would blog a bit on her personality and life here. She always like to be in the same room with you but is not bothersome. When I work in the kitchen she either lays on the doggie bed in the adjacent family room or plays with a toy in the same are in my view. When I sit at the laptop at the kitchen table she usually lays on the rug nearby. I had the sliding door open for a while today and Cricket ran in and out but Deena preferred to stay inside with me. When you sit on the couch, the fun begins, she runs over and is right in your lap trying to give kisses. We are not a doggie kissing family, so we are discouraging the licks. She then will nudge your hand for some petting and will lay next to you for an hour if you stroke her. She loves playing with Cricket, they will tease each other with toys and steal them from each other. If you throw a toy, she will fetch it but usually brings it back to the dog bed, not you. She is a bit protective of special treats like bones from Cricket, never us, but as she is trusting Cricket more, this is subsiding. At night we crate her. I can not say she likes the crate but she does not cry or bark in it. If we did not do this, I think she would be in bed with us. I also put her in the crate or behind a baby gate in the laundry room when I leave the house as we have only had her here for a week. Interesting, when in the crate, I think she feels vulnerable as she will give a soft growl if Cricket comes by her but is fine when we let her out and this also is getting better. We have not had any urine accidents. She did stool in the family room when she first arrived and I have been feeding her and playing with her in there to discourage this. Also making sure she goes first thing in the morning has helped prevent further episodes. I am introducing her to ringing the jingle bells on the door to go outside. She is not a big barker. Now and then she will give out one or two barks and if we say Ahah or Quiet she always stops. She is very obedient and submissive. Sometimes when you approach her she rolls over into a submissive position. She does not cower ever so I don't think anyone was unkind to her it is just her personality. If I can think of anything else, I will update. Oh, guess what, I heard today, she has an application. (two of her puppies have applications also *) We look forward to meeting you Saturday at Tailwaggin' Doggie Daycare.