Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Foster Dog Deena has joined our family!

Deena's pups are almost 10 weeks old now so Fluffy Dog Rescue decided it was time for her to leave the daycare and go to a home. I have met Deena several times and have always adored her. We are not a small dog family here but I have been impressed with her as she is not a yappy jumpy girl and is soo friendly. I brought her home to meet the family yesterday to get their ok, they all like her. I was also concerned how she would get along with my dog, two young females can be the most difficult together but that has went well also. Sooo Deena, looks like you are with us until you find your forever home. We will be stopping by Lisa's weekly so she can visit her and any of her pups that have not found their own homes.

I hope to Blog on her time with us while she is waiting for a family of her own.