Saturday, September 4, 2010

The pom pups are 9 wks old now!

I stopped by my friend Lisa's who is fostering Deena and her pups for some new pictures today. The pups are 9 weeks old now and can be adopted. We really don't know what breed they are maybe a pom/chi/or papillon? Looks like two of the pups ears are trying to stand up. They are all so friendly and sweet. The brown pup is the leader. The white one is the smallest and is the follower. The one with the stripe down her face is the middle of the road pup. Everyone has their favorites. (I'm not telling mine) Lori has received some applications but everyone seems to work all day so they would be in a crate for 9 hours, five days a week. They are way to young for that. I guess we will just wait for the perfect families to apply to give them a great start on their own. Deena their mom is a doll. She has gained some much needed weight under Lisa's care and has been a great mama.