Friday, December 24, 2010

A good nite's rest for all.

The first night Alley spent with us I put her in a crate in the laundry room for the night. I heard her whimpering several times throughout the night. Around 5am, I took her outside then laid on the couch with her where we slept for a couple more hours. Last night I thought I would try something different. We put her crate in our bedroom. It was magic. She was quiet the entire night from 11pm until 7:30am. I heard my husband snore and Cricket snore (who sleeps at our feet) but not a noise from little Alley:) This morning I took the dogs outside and put her on a long leash and dropped it. I turned and she was gone, oh no! Not to worry, she had headed into the garage and was at the door to go inside. She doesn't really like the cold. I think I will put a little jacket on her today and try a walk. Maybe I'll try to catch a little picture of her in it later and post...........................UPDATE: I put the Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness by Premier on her and a sweater and off we went around the neighborhood. She wasn't bad on a walk but I don't think she has been taken for walks much. She weaved from side to side and froze in her tracks when a car went by. Other than that, it was uneventful. Don't worry forever family, we walk the dogs every day here so it won't be long and she will catch on.