Monday, October 17, 2011

Her progress.................

Peek looked better Wednesday morning. She ate and drank some but was still weak and I needed to bring the food to her mouth. Her eyes were brighter and as the day went on, now and then I saw her tail wagging.

On Thurday, Peeka slept most of the morning (all the dogs were sleeping,it was a rainy day). In the afternoon she has some energy. She followed along right behind me, so cute. She ate well by herself for the first time. We don't know if she was a surrender or stray but whoever had her must of been kind to her. She loves people. When you put her on your lap she snuggles her head under your chin or on your shoulder. She is such a sweet dog, I just adore her.

Thank you, thank you to all her angels that prayed for her including her rescuers, tranporters, shelter staff and rescue volunteers.