Monday, October 17, 2011

Sad days for Peek-a-boo.

Peeka seemed fine Monday morning. As the morning progressed, she became lethargic. We noticed some brown drainage from her. Lori took her to the vet. The vet told Lori she needed to go to the local emergency animal hospital. (hope I have the rest of the story accurate here:) At the animal hospital, it was determined the pups had died a few days prior and were causing an infection that was taking Peeka's life also. She was beginning to become septic. The emergency vet induced labor and four of the pups were delivered. The following day she required a spay. There were still two pups in her uterus, despite being induced the night before. She was released from the hospital Tues. evening and came to my home for observation. I am a RN and had the time to monitor her closely. For the most part, she slept most of the remaining evening and night. She did eat some canned dog food for me and water that I brought to her mouth.

This time at an emergency animal hospital is very costly. A rescue's budget is always tight with minimal left over money after feeding, spay/neuter, vaccinating, heartworm blood tests and monthly preventative pills, flea preventatives, microchipping etc. Peek's bill for the 24 hours is $1000.00. Lori is asking for donations to help the rescue pay for this bill. To donate, go to the Fluffy Dog Rescue home page and click on the donate button. It is on the left hand side of the page. Thank you for helping rescue.