Monday, October 17, 2011

Peek-a-boo arrives in Wisconsin....her story.

Lori who runs the rescue was notified of a little shih tzu mix that needed rescue. The little gal was pregnant. A sad reality at these overcrowded shelters is the fact that early pregnant dogs are spayed. Lori responded, please do not spay her, we will take her pregnant. She arrived Sunday October 9th. According to the shelter staff, they thought her to be due in 2-3 weeks. I helped Lori pick up dogs from the transport. Peek was very friendly. She went into a special room just for her at my friend Lisa's. Lisa had put a little doggie bed in the room but she preferred to lay at the gate so she could be nearer to us. We laid a blanket there so she would have something soft to lay on. She loved the treats I had brought and was friendly to all. This is a picture when she arrived.