Sunday, March 28, 2010

Welcome to Wisconsin Bernard and Toby!

Well, I wasn't planning on taking any foster pups for a while as we had plans to have our wood floors refinished. When I heard Bernie was going to be left behind at the shelter in Alabama since there wasn't a foster home for him, I just had to volunteer to take him. Lori and others scrambled
Friday to get his vet papers completed and the ok to join this weekends transport. Today, I picked up both Bernie and Toby from the transport. (if you are not familiar with the transport process, click on the link at the bottom of this page and you will be amazed by the network of volunteers that make it possible for these pups to get here) Toby will be spending the night with us and continue his journey tomorrow. He does need a foster home -- just hinting if someone is available. Both of these dogs are sweethearts. They have been quite calm and quiet in my home tonight. We walked around the block a few times with my dog (our ritual here when new dogs arrive) and they were both polite and did not pull on the leash. I just don't think anyone must have walked Bernie because he kept running into my legs at first. He did much better on our second walk and again never pulled. The story I heard about both dogs were they were dropped off at the shelter in Alabama like so many are with no information about them. Toby had a name, Bernie didn't so he was named by Fluffy Dog. I took a few pictures but have to get some new ones of Bernie tomorrow. He is really, really cute but I haven't had a chance to give him a bath and comb him yet so he's looking a bit scraggly. Well, time to let them out one last time and put them in the crates for the night --- hoping to give you more info tomorrow.