Sunday, October 31, 2010

Everyone loves Charlie Bear.

Charlie has been spending a few days here so I thought I would blog a bit so any potential family could get to know him better. I just took him for a 20 minute walk. He seemed to enjoy himself and did quite well on a leash. We have lots of kids in the neighborhood and I made it a point to walk up to them to see how he does. He did great with kids ages 5-13. He met around six of them and allowed them to approach and pet him without any problems. He barked once at a black lab that was guarding her property. We went to my friends door and her dogs were barking, not a sound from him. My friend and I talked outside and he curled up in her lap and it was the first time they had met. She adored him. Funny, when we headed up my driveway, he let a couple of barks out at my dog, approached her and all was good. A nice walk for both of us.

Charlie really stays close by his "person". He has only been here a couple of days and I don't even have to leash him when taking him outside to potty. The couple of times he wandered about 20feet away, I just called his name and he returned. Charlie is quite the lap dog. If you sit on the couch, he immediately is next to you. As I type here, he is in the doggie bed I keep next to the computer. He is so little and loves to be held. It is so hard to resist just picking him up and carrying him everywhere, but I am resisting. He is a calm pup and easy to have around. I took a nap today and he curled up next to me and we napped for 30 minutes. Charlie sleeps in a crate at my house. He has whined for 5 minutes when I put him in but is quiet then until the morning. I feel so sorry for Charlie, his world has been rocked. He and another dog were dropped at an Alabama shelter. We do not know how long he was with his original family or why he was given up. Both dogs are friendly dogs. Charlie was transported for two days to Wisconsin. Fluffy Dog Rescue did not have a foster home for both dogs to go together so they were separated when they arrived in Wisconsin. Charlie was in a foster home for several weeks and due to that family no longer fostering, he needs a new foster home. Needless to say, I'm sure he is stressed. I do think considering what he has been through, he is doing well. The reaction I see is he does give a quiet bark or two with unfamiliar noises and we have alot in our home as I have two teenagers (and their friends) This is becoming less as he gets used to the noises in our home and he has been wonderful with everyone he has met. He is not yappy, just a soft bark here or there. Even thought we are a larger dog family here, we all really like him so it looks like he will be staying with us for a few days.